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Virtual Reality Fire Extinguisher Trainer

The VR Fire Trainer is a mobile and all-in-one virtual reality fire training solution. It reduces costs, enhances the quality of training and it removes the need for special permits for training professionals. No real fires needed. No standing in the hot or cold in a car park anymore! The solution is an off-the-shelf product, targeting companies in need of premium fire training.

Statistics show that less than 50% of workers feel confident in operating fire extinguishers, and over 50% operate them incorrectly. Proper fire safety training saves lives and mitigates risk for injuries and property damage. Our VR Firetrainer will help you deliver more realistic, more memorable and effective Fire Extinguisher Training to more people, faster and better.

We like to view the VR Fire Trainer as a game changer. Simply train and “fight fire without fire” with a high quality of learning. This product solves a real problem and is ready to support you enhance your fire safety training.

Ideal for fire training companies, in-house staff training, onboarding new employees, for fire warden training and for maintaining compliance.

This all-weather, anytime, anyplace virtual reality fire training simulator is the state of the art professional method for effective fire extinguisher user safety training.

The Kit

The complete kit consists of the training software, a reinforced pelican case containing an Oculus Quest VR headset, two controllers, and one fire extinguisher equipped with custom made hardware mounts and microcontrollers enabling tracking and input. The software allows the user to customize the training scenario by specifying the environment, fire extinguishing method, and fire type.


The Video


The Info

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